Monday, June 8, 2009

Lucknow Times

Finally, I have managed some time to write down about my great Lucknow experience.

It was a stay from 19May to 31May...just enough days to pack sweet memories..:)
Well this time was different as I had not been there for the past four years...full of fun and surprises...
Lucknow now,at least to a person visiting after 4 years, has changed a hell lot...Not just because of bricks and mortar in the form of malls but also the look of the city...well developed and lit roads, the stone architecture to give the city a Rome type look, as they say...
In the pic, one can see a combination of white and blue lights..each blue light, as the facts go cost around 2,50,000Rs.
Now, coming back to the malls, Dada (my elder bro) and I went to the Fun Republic the very first day, sat in a pub, had beer ;)
Well, the beer tasted "yuk!!" but I got to know that it's had for the "FEELING" not for the "taste"!! Hmmmm!!!! Got it Dada:)

I also ate a new type of chicken(chicken made in a different way) at KFC=Kentaki Fried Chicken...The crust was toooooo good...but inside there wasn't any masala:(...Also had Xinger burger=burger with one crisp Chicken slice..mmmmmmmmmm..yummmmm!! AWESOME!!! I had it with cheese!!!
Ya okay, I'll cut down my calories from now!! :)

Coming back to the house now, everyday we (Ayush=my younger bro, Dada and I) toyed with Dada's laptop, listened to his collection of amazing songs, watched movies, tv-series like The Big bang theory, South park..:)

And then at night, we'd go on terrace to catch the cool breeze...believe me it was way cooler than Jaipur...One fine night, Dada and I climbed up the 4th storey of the house...terrace's the third and there's a room and a bathroom built on it. So you can call it the fourth storey...It felt soooo good and cool..above the world and peaceful....
Just the yesternight, Dada and I, had had loads of chit chat on a worn out 'khaat'...God knows how it survived the both of us cz the following night, Rakesh (works for the family) who's thinner than both of us, fell on the floor while he was trying to be comfortable on the 'khaat' :)

Since the house is under heavy renovation these days, 'thak thak' n 'zoooooooooo' are quite common sounds in the household. Discussions over room colours, beds etc. were a routine and are still may be..

The whole experience was wonderful from going to the market with mum in the rickshaw to the windy Pulsar rides with Dada:)

One day, Dada and I had gone to a bookstore strolling. I had just casually said "yaha koi autobigraphies nahi hai kya?"
Anyways, on the early morning of 1st june, when the packed bags were finally being brought downstairs, Dada came in, giving me a book saying "Try reading this......since u asked for it"...

The book was The Discovery of India by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
and I was like:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)::):):):):):):):):)::):):):):):):):):):):):):):)..could just say Thank you...
Thanx bro...
This was the sweetest surprise and the best moment of all the twelve days.

In memory of my dear watch...

Huh!!! I am so sad...yesterday was our first day in college after bunking and holidays and all....and also the day when I lost my girls' washroom....I can't believe girls can be like this....

I had taken it out to wash my hands..and I didn't keep it in my bag but near the washbasin...(silly me!!) and I forgot to pick it..(even more stupid!!)...and then I and my friends were sitting in this place when I felt like watching the time...n I pull my sweater and.........................................GONE is my watch!!

I hurried to the loo...but ofcourse as expected it wasn't there.....

So, assuming that the person who took it isn't genuine, I have lost my watch....n hence this article....

I had it for the last 3-3.5 years...and we had such a good time together....I'd wear it to my school and now college....It always gave the right time as I'd get the battery changed at the right time......We gave so many exams together....been to so many parties together....and it always wanted me to be punctual...which I never have been till now....but may be I will ....(I'll take it as it's last wish.....).....

That watch was a gift from my friends, actually, but I had bought it...and I just received 1/5 money for that....

All this doesn't matter the watch is gone...and I'm trying to convince mum to buy another wasn't costly but I liked it a lot...

All I have left now are the memories...... enough to spend my whole life without it.....


I can't write any more.....



Confused and aguished...but who cares

I have no idea what the hell's been going on.

I feel like an idiot sometimes who can watch things around her but helpless about doing anything to improve it.

First the Mumbai blasts...and its aftermath...I had nothing to write about it...wat cud I possibly write...may b give a few facts that people already know...or may be express my anguish over the anyone's geting bothered...atleast the people who should be aren't....

And then...we have the Home Minister's resignation....strangely enough...their conscience awakes at the time of if his resignation would awaken the conscience of terrorists...

And then..this recent death of Enginner Manoj Gupta...brutal and I sound like our pathetic politicians...well may be I do....

That's all we can do n shut up after a while..n perhaps get used to the corruption and dictatorship of these sucking .....I don't know...for the first time I feel like I should have known more slangs....

But ...would that be of any use??!!!

I may not know anything about what should be done but somewhere I do know there's a way out....we need to look in the right direction...but again do I know that direction?? NO!!

We are preparing for war with external enemies when in fact there's so much to be fought against here inside our own god-damn system...ya I know what's the problem...but I don't know the solution...Am I being repetitive...??May be...That's possibly a politicians job....may be I should enter politics....I'll form a good sucking politician...if at all we need anymore of them...there are so many of them already....



May be today....every citizen who cares even a little bit about what's going around him is as confused and somewhere bothered about where exactly are we heading...???

Heaven knows what I wrote in the above lines....utter crap perhaps...but that's how I feel and that's how things are probably....



Take care..

Daru nahi Doodh ke saath nav varsh ki Shubhkamnaye....


Happy New Year to all of you!!!!

On 31st dec.,08 , mum baked cake. Pineapple and Vanilla mix. Yummmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, I had noodles for my dinner....!!!!!!!!!Yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

N now I am writing this post....

N studied a little bit...In case u r my college friend, you won't lyk it....sorry guys!!! Wink

How did u guys celebrate the New share...

In my neighbourhood, there's been this custom, I guess 1 year old, of celebrating New Year by delivering free of cost kaju-pista milk on New Year. You can have it free of cost.

I was just passing by these milk stalls and recorded some part of the watch it. In the background you can hear anti-daru slogans....!!

That's pretty cool....

Happy New Year once again...