Monday, June 8, 2009

In memory of my dear watch...

Huh!!! I am so sad...yesterday was our first day in college after bunking and holidays and all....and also the day when I lost my girls' washroom....I can't believe girls can be like this....

I had taken it out to wash my hands..and I didn't keep it in my bag but near the washbasin...(silly me!!) and I forgot to pick it..(even more stupid!!)...and then I and my friends were sitting in this place when I felt like watching the time...n I pull my sweater and.........................................GONE is my watch!!

I hurried to the loo...but ofcourse as expected it wasn't there.....

So, assuming that the person who took it isn't genuine, I have lost my watch....n hence this article....

I had it for the last 3-3.5 years...and we had such a good time together....I'd wear it to my school and now college....It always gave the right time as I'd get the battery changed at the right time......We gave so many exams together....been to so many parties together....and it always wanted me to be punctual...which I never have been till now....but may be I will ....(I'll take it as it's last wish.....).....

That watch was a gift from my friends, actually, but I had bought it...and I just received 1/5 money for that....

All this doesn't matter the watch is gone...and I'm trying to convince mum to buy another wasn't costly but I liked it a lot...

All I have left now are the memories...... enough to spend my whole life without it.....


I can't write any more.....




  1. oh poor u, should have bought new watch in nawabi lucknow ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. have u seen KAte's muvie Holiday she looks just awesome in it although not like Titanic :P
