Monday, June 8, 2009

Confused and aguished...but who cares

I have no idea what the hell's been going on.

I feel like an idiot sometimes who can watch things around her but helpless about doing anything to improve it.

First the Mumbai blasts...and its aftermath...I had nothing to write about it...wat cud I possibly write...may b give a few facts that people already know...or may be express my anguish over the anyone's geting bothered...atleast the people who should be aren't....

And then...we have the Home Minister's resignation....strangely enough...their conscience awakes at the time of if his resignation would awaken the conscience of terrorists...

And then..this recent death of Enginner Manoj Gupta...brutal and I sound like our pathetic politicians...well may be I do....

That's all we can do n shut up after a while..n perhaps get used to the corruption and dictatorship of these sucking .....I don't know...for the first time I feel like I should have known more slangs....

But ...would that be of any use??!!!

I may not know anything about what should be done but somewhere I do know there's a way out....we need to look in the right direction...but again do I know that direction?? NO!!

We are preparing for war with external enemies when in fact there's so much to be fought against here inside our own god-damn system...ya I know what's the problem...but I don't know the solution...Am I being repetitive...??May be...That's possibly a politicians job....may be I should enter politics....I'll form a good sucking politician...if at all we need anymore of them...there are so many of them already....



May be today....every citizen who cares even a little bit about what's going around him is as confused and somewhere bothered about where exactly are we heading...???

Heaven knows what I wrote in the above lines....utter crap perhaps...but that's how I feel and that's how things are probably....



Take care..

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